Nabeel Asghar
My name is

Nabeel Asghar

Developer and Co-Founder of Serume

Currently, I'm a software engineer on the Data Products team at Airspace Link where we created a way for companies and governments to control drones and drone deliveries.

About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Nabeel Asghar and this is my website.

We're all used to stories about people who grew up loving programming when they were 11 years old and yada yada yada. I won't bore you with that, you're here now.

I graduated from Wayne State University in 2020 and have worked at Ford Motor Company and Airspace Link. I have a project in works called PhotoSpot and a free service I run with a few friends for new graduates to tailor resumes and offer career advice at Serume. We've helped almost 50 people and hope to continue to help!

My Experience

Projects I've Worked On


Designed and developed a web application allowed the login, search, booking, and payment of photographers in a given area. Invented a system for photographers to store customer photo shoot pictures into an online storage location called the PhotoVault.

GTA V Auto Drive

This project was to create an auto drive feature for a car in GTA V. The program detected lanes on either side of the car through the camera system. However, the actual auto drive was very limited due to the game's roads and odd camera placement.


Created a website for new graduates to submit resumes for no charge. The Serume team would then edit resumes and offer feedback, career advice, and interview tips. Helped over 20 clients in their pursuit of a better resume, career advice, or interview tips.